Our Pastor
Rev. Steven M. Newton was born and raised right here in the city of Detroit. Steve worshiped at Peace Lutheran Church on Warren Avenue and he attended Lutheran High School East in Harper Woods, graduating there in 1975. He then enrolled in the University of Michigan and received a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1980.
He married Sharon in 1987. They have two sons, Aaron and Charles.
After approximately twenty-two years at general Motors, where Steve worked as a transmission design engineer, he and Sharon agreed that the Lord was calling him to the ministry and so they left Ann Arbor where they lived and moved to St. Louis where Steve attended Concordia Seminary. Following the completion of his study's, which included his vicarage year at Trinity Lutheran Church in Grand Island Nebraska, he accepted the Divine call to become Pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in Canton.
Salem welcomed Rev. Steve Newton, as our dual-parish pastor on June 3, 2018. As a dual-parish pastor Rev. Newton will serve both Salem and Grace Lutheran Church of Canton. Each church will continue with its own individual congregation and services while sharing the benefit of Pastor Newton’s care and spiritual guidance.